Document MT1600P.2019.A
© Xsens Technologies B.V.
MTi Family Reference Manual
Xsens Customer Support and BASE
BASE by Xsens is an online support platform with a knowledge base and community forum on 3D motion
tracking technology and products. This enables faster and easier system integration by offering a large
source of high-quality technical information.
Knowledge base (FAQ)
The knowledge base provides articles written by Xsens Field Application Engineers and Product
Specialists. Topics discussed
are best practices, tips and tricks for the use of Xsens’ products and inside
information about installation, MEMS sensors and GNSS receivers, hardware design, CAD-files, system
architecture, low-level communication and sensor fusion algorithms.
Community forum
The community forum is an online forum that gives direct access to Xsens’ engineers and other Xsens
users. As users may have faced similar challenges, the answer may already be on the forum.
The knowledge base and user community are searchable simultaneously. A search query thus shows
results irrespective of the source.
Please visit
to complete your 1-minute registration.
Additionally, tutorial videos on products, features and releases are available on BASE by Xsens via: