A damp cloth may be used to clean the scooter. Avoid using aggressive cleaning
solutions or solvents.
Never grease or spray lubricant into the bearings. The bearings are sealed and self
lubricating. Doing so will cause dirt and grim to seep into the bearings causing them to
not spin freely.
Tire life depends on riding conditions and riding style. Most users will get many years
of use out of a tire. However, if you ride thousands of kilometers or do lots of hard
braking, you may wear out a tire sooner and have to replace one or both wheels.
Wheel replacements or service is available at
If you get caught in wet conditions, care should be taken to wipe off the scooter to
prevent metal parts from corroding over time. While the metal parts used to build the
scooter are coated to prevent oxidation, prolonged exposure to wet conditions,
especially road salt, will eventually cause these parts to wear prematurely.
Your Xootr scooter is designed to withstand years of normal riding. However, collisions
can substantially weaken the structure of the scooter. If you accidentally have a minor
collision with a curb, wall, or other fixed object, inspect the scooter for loose or bent
parts. If you find such parts, contact your dealer or Xootr for repair or replacement. If
you collide with a fixed object at speeds in excess of 10 mph (16 kph) and/or are
thrown from the scooter after a collision, you could severely damage the structure of
the scooter. In such cases, please contact Xootr LLC for repair or replacement.
Your satisfaction is very important to us. We warrant that your scooter is free of
defects in materials or manufacturing for a period of one year from the date of
purchase. If at any time within one year of your purchase, you discover a defect in
materials or manufacturing, please contact us for repair or replacement.
This warranty does not apply to normal wear and tear, including wear of tires and
brake pads.
Damage caused by stunt riding, racing, or other abusive treatment is not covered by
this warranty. This is a consumer warranty and does not apply to products used in
rental operations.
Contact Information - Xootr LLC
for replacement part orders and maintenance instructions.
800-816-2724 or +1 570-471-7984 (outside US)
Xootr LLC
1 Maxson Drive
Suite 4
Old Forge, PA 18518
We really do not want you to get hurt, so please follow these safety rules:
Wear a helmet at all times.
Avoid roadways, paths, or other areas that are used by motor vehicles.
Avoid large hills.
Avoid curbs, cobblestones, grates, and other rough or discontinuous surfaces.
Read carefully the section of these instructions on braking, and become
comfortable braking on the rear tire and with the hand lever.
Never ride with more than one person on a scooter.
Never ride a scooter at dusk or at night.
Never ride a scooter in wet or icy conditions.
Ride in control at all times.
Don't stunt ride.
Before each use, verify that there are no loose or missing parts, and that the
brake is working properly.
Listen for the click when you unfold your scooter, indicating that the latch is fully
Scooters are wheeled vehicles. Like bicycling, skateboarding, and in-line skating,
riding a scooter can be dangerous even under the best of circumstances. Serious
injury or even death is possible.
Always wear an ANSI or Snell approved helmet when riding your scooter. Always
keep the chin strap securely buckled. Failure to wear an approved helmet may
result in serious injury or death.
Wet weather impairs traction, braking, and visibility. The risk of accident is
dramatically increased in wet conditions.
Riding at dusk, after dark, or at times of poor visibility is dangerous and can
result in serious injury or death.
Failure to properly tighten the handlebar quick-release lever may compromise
steering action, which could cause you to lose control and fall. Falling can cause
serious injury or even death. Pull up and push down on the handlebar to make
sure that the lever is tight.
Copyright 2016, Xootr LLC. All rights reserved. Xootr is a registered trademarks of Xootr LLC. Revision of November 2016.