CURRERA-R Starter Kit Quick start guide
To start working with the Starter Kit you will also need:
• PC Display with standard Analog input
• PC Display Cable
• USB mouse
• USB keyboard
1 Mount CURRERA to the Tripod Adapter
Use four screws and hex key to attach CURRERA to the Tripod Adapter as
shown on the right. You may prefer to connect the cables first as described
in the step 3.
2 Attach Lens
Remove sensor cap first and attach lens using the supplied C/CS mount
3 Connect cables
Connect System Cable to System Port (Middle one).
Connect BOB144 to System Cable.
Connect USB hub to USB port on BOB144.
Connect USB mouse and USB keyboard to USB hub.
Connect VGA adapter to Display port and connect your
VGA monitor.
Connect power supply to EXT PWR port which is con
nected to AUX on BOB144.
4 Power up
Plug power supply to the line. PWR OK led should light
up and the boot shall proceed within few seconds.
5 Run the xVIEVER application
As soon as Windows desktop appears, you may start xviewer application located on
desktop to see live image from camera.
System port
Display port
Ethernet port