Zynq-7000 AP SoC and 7 Series FPGAs MIS v4.1
UG586 November 30, 2016
Chapter 2:
QDR II+ Memory Interface Solution
Defines mode of use of byte lanes
in a given I/O bank. A 1 in a bit
position indicates a byte lane is
used for data, and a 0 indicates it is
used for address/control. This
parameter varies based on the
pinout and should
be changed
manually in generated design.
4'b1100: With respect to the BYTE_LANE
example, two byte lanes are used for Data and
one for Address/Control.
12-bit parameter per byte lane
used to determine which I/O
locations are used to generate the
necessary PHY structures. This
parameter is provided per bank.
Except for the CQ_P/CQ_N,
K_P/K_N, and DLL_OFF_N pins, all
Data Write, Data Read, and
Address/Control pins are
considered for this parameter
generation. This parameter varies
based on the pinout and should
be changed manually in
generated design.
This parameter denotes for all byte groups of a
selected bank. All 12 bits are denoted for a byte
lane and are ordered from MSB:LSB as
BA98_7654_3210. For example, this parameter is
48'hFFE_FFF_000_2FF for one bank.
12'hDF6 (12'b1101_1111_0110): Bit lines 0, 3, and
9 are not used; the rest of the bits are used.
Defines the byte lanes for a given
I/O bank as INPUT or OUTPUT. A 1
in a bit position indicates a byte
lane contains INPUT pins, and a 0
indicates byte lane contains
OUTPUT pins. This parameter varies
based on the pinout and should
be changed manually in
generated design.
4'b0110: Middle two byte lanes contain INPUT
pins, and the other byte lanes contain OUTPUT
Bank and byte lane position
information for write clocks (K/K#).
8-bit parameter provided per pair
of signals.
• [7:4] – Bank position. Values of 0,
1, or 2 are supported
• [3:0] – Byte lane position within a
bank. Values of 0, 1, 2, or 3 are
This parameter varies based on the
pinout and should
be changed
manually in generated design.
Upper-most Data Write/Data Read or
Address/Control byte group selected bank is
referred as Bank 0 in parameters notation.
Numbering of banks is 0, 1, and 2 from top to
Byte groups T0, T1, T2, and T3 are numbered in
parameters as 3, 2, 1, and 0, respectively.
48'h00_00_00_00_03_13: This parameter is
denoted for 6 write clock pairs with 8 bits for
each clock pin. In this case, only two write clock
pairs are used. Ordering of parameters is from
MSB to LSB (that is, K[0]/ K#[0] corresponds to
the 8 LSBs of the parameter.
8'h13: K/K# placed in bank 1, byte lane 3.
8'h20: K/K# placed in bank 2, byte lane 0.
Table 2-13:
QDR II+ SRAM Memory Interface Solution Pinout Parameters