XAUI v12.3 Product Guide
PG053 April 6, 2016
Chapter 1
XAUI is a four-lane, 3.125 Gb/s-per-lane serial interface. Each lane is a differential pair
carrying current mode logic (CML) signaling, and the data on each lane is 8B/10B encoded
before transmission. Special code groups are used to allow each lane to synchronize at a
word boundary and to deskew all four lanes into alignment at the receiving end. The XAUI
standard is fully specified in clauses 47 and 48 of the 10-Gigabit Ethernet
IEEE 802.3-2012
The XAUI standard was initially developed as a means to extend the physical separation
possible between Media Access Controller (MAC) and PHY components in a 10-Gigabit
Ethernet system distributed across a circuit board and to reduce the number of interface
signals in comparison with the XGMII (10-Gigabit Ethernet Media Independent Interface).
shows a block diagram of the XAUI core implementation. The major functional
blocks of the core include the following:
Transmit Idle Generation Logic
creates the code groups to allow synchronization and
alignment at the receiver.
Synchronization State Machine (one per lane)
identifies byte boundaries in incoming
serial data.
Deskew State Machine
de-skews the four received lanes into alignment.
Optional MDIO Interface
is a two-wire low-speed serial interface used to manage the
Four Device-Specific Transceivers
(integrated in the FPGAs) provide the high-speed
transceivers as well as 8B/10B encode and decode and elastic buffering in the receive