ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
Chapter 4
Using the ChipScope Pro Analyzer
ChipScope Pro Analyzer Overview
The ChipScope™ Pro Analyzer tool interfaces directly to the ICON (integrated controller),
ILA (integrated logic analyzer), VIO (virtual input/output), and IBERT (internal bit error
ratio) cores, collectively called the ChipScope Pro logic analyzer cores.
Even though the ChipScope Pro Analyzer tool detects the presence of an ATC2 (Agilent trace
core), an Agilent Logic Analyzer attached to a JTAG (Joint Test Action Group, IEEE standard) cable
is required to control and communicate with the ATC2 core.
You can configure your device, choose triggers, setup the console, and view the results of
the capture on the fly. The data views and triggers can be manipulated in many ways,
providing an easy and intuitive interface to determine the functionality of the design.
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer tool is made up of two distinct applications: the
and the
. The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server is a command line application that connects to
the JTAG chain of the target system using any of the supported JTAG download cables
shown in
. The ChipScope Pro Analyzer client is a graphical user
interface (GUI) application that allows you to interact with the devices in the JTAG chain
and the cores that are found in those devices.
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server and client can be running on the same machine (local
host mode) or on different machines (remote mode). Remote mode is useful when you
Debug a system that is in a different location.
Share a single system resource with other team members.
Demonstrate a problem or feature to someone who is not at your location.
ChipScope Pro Analyzer Server Interface
If you desire to debug a target system that is connected directly to your local machine via
a JTAG download cable, then you do not need to start the server manually.
You must only
start the server application manually when you desire to interact with the server from a
remote client.
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server application can handle only one client connection at a
The server can be started as follows:
The ChipScope Pro Analyzer server is started on 32-bit Windows machines by
<XILINX_ISE_INSTALL>\bin\nt\cse_server.exe <command line options>