ChipScope Pro Software and Cores User Guide
UG029 (v14.3) October 16, 2012
Using the ChipScope Pro Core Inserter with Command Line Implementation
Using the ChipScope Pro Core Inserter with Command Line
Command Line Flow Overview
The ChipScope Pro Core Inserter supports a basic command line for batch core insertion.
As shown in
, the ChipScope Pro Core Inserter command line flow consists of
three steps:
Creating a CDC Project
Editing the CDC Project
Inserting Cores
The ChipScope Pro Core Inserter is invoked prior to calling ngdbuild to instantiate debug
cores in the design. Nets are selected for debug using the Edit CDC Project mode to display
the GUI and save net selections to the project. After successfully implementing the design
and configuring the Xilinx® device with the resulting bitstream, the Analyzer is used for
in-circuit design debug and verification. To change debug net selections or core settings
after configuration, iterate back to the Edit CDC Project step and proceed through the flow
to create a new bitstream for further debug and verification.