Page 23
Navigating Menu Screens
The screen display is straight forward to navigate once you get the hang of it. We use the backlit
display but the Compact Hub display is very similar, just follow the buttons.
Start by plugging in the display to see the open screen.
Note there are four buttons underneath the dials, < > - +.
Navigate through menus by following the prompts on the screen and
pressing the button beneath the prompt.
Press the > button, 2
in from left.
You will then see a screen showing 4 items:
the radio signal (Pulse 0 xxxx uS),
the throttle stick percent (x %),
the battery voltage (vb=x.x V)
and the current draw (Ib x.x A) “x” = any number
Press the > button again.
You now see the four main menu root choices:
Start Info Radio Run
Press the button beneath the START label
You now enter the stream which covers the starting functions.
Press the > button to enter.
You now see the fuel choice option.
Your choice here is Kero or Diesel.
To change option press the + button, screen will toggle between
Kero and Diesel. Leave it set at the fuel of your choice.
Press the > button to continue