Mi Mouse
Thank you for choosing our products. This product is a portable computer mouse
designed for the mobile lifestyle. The mouse has two connection modes via Bluetooth or
radio at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Excellent performance of this device make it possible to
adapt to different conditions of use.
Left button
Right button
Middle button / scroll
Connection mode
Notch benchmark closed position
Removable cover
* Method of controlling of this mouse is similar to regular mouse
User manual
A: Connection Mode on the 2.4 GHz radio
1. Remove the cover by scrolling it
2. Remove the sealing insert for a
battery contact closure.
3. Remove the wireless adapter
4. Plug the adapter into
computer’s USB port
* At the first connection, default connection mode is by radio.
6. Turn the switch up to the ON
5. Close the back cover setting it into
the groove and scrolling clockwise.