Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse Manual Download Page 1

Mi band Pulse

1. Assembling  Xiaomi’s Fitness-Bracelet (Mi band) 

Basis of the 

bracelet - strap

take the basis of the 

bracelet and a strap

insert the bracelet basis into 

a strap

put a strap to your 


2. Installing Mi band App

Install Mi Health App or scan the QR-code 

and download the Mi Health App.

3. Mi band connection

Turn the Mi band App 

on. Then your Xiaomi 

smartphone should 

detect the Fitness-

Bracelet on base of 

the smartphone’s 

registration number.

 Indicators on the 

smartphone will turn 

white. Gently press 

them few times to 

finish the registration. 

4. Mi band usage

After a successful 

synchronization the Mi 

band immediately starts to 

monitor the activity of your 

movements and the trace 

quality of your sleep, and 

heart rate. The quantity 

of included indicators 

shows the intensity of your 

movements. You can look at 

your bracelet and check the 

indicators at any time.

1/3 steps to a goal

more than 1/3 steps 

to a goal 

more than 2/3 steps to a goal

A goal is achieved

