Lunar Sleep Smart Sensor
Letter to the user
Dear user!
Thank you for your choice!
If you sleep tight, there is no need to control a dream. But if you sleep badly, and at
this App repeatedly sends you notifications about a bad dream, eventually, you also
will feel even more tired.
But Lunar doesn’t disturb the user. Synchronization isn’t necessary for this device,
and also there is no need to check its data daily. You can even forget about its
Lunar quietly watches a user’s dream. If necessary, the device can provide you a
data about dream and make some recommendations.
Lunar is a reliable defender of healthy and sound sleep.
Lunar can’t change the world, but it can provide a tight and quiet sleep.
Yours faithfully, Lunar
The sensor, which is built in the device, rather thin, don’t allow its falling or an
Don’t disassemble the device: the device is equipped with the built-in lithium battery,
please, don’t throw it into fire.
in case of using the other battery model, there is a probability of origin of
explosion. Please, follow the instruction for utilization of wasted batteries.