XI AUDIO HP505 Mini Instruction Manual Download Page 1






XI Audio – HP505



Stereo Line Input Connector

This 3.5mm jack socket is located on the right side 
of the front panel above the volume control. The 
input is balanced up, given 12dB of gain and 
routed to the rear panel output. 

The connections are as follows:
Tip: Left     Ring: Right     Sleeve: Screen

Headphone Connector 6.35mm

This .1/4” (6.35mm) jack socket is located on the 
left of the front panel above the volume control. It 
is connected to the headphone amplifier in 
parallel with the 3.5mm headphone jack socket. 
The maximum output is +18dBu. 

The connections are as follows:
Tip: Headphone Left     Ring: Headphone Right
Sleeve: Ground

Headphone Connector 3.5mm

This 3.5mm jack socket is located at the centre of 
the front panel above the volume control. It is 
connected to the headphone amplifier in parallel 

with the 6.35mm headphone jack socket. The 
maximum output is +18dBu. 

The connections are as follows:
Tip: Headphone Left   
Ring: Headphone Right
Sleeve: Ground

Headphone Volume

This is the volume control of the headphone 
outputs with a range of +12dB to -60dB using a 
logarithmic potentiometer.

Talkback Button

This button, when pressed briefly (less than 350ms) 
activates and latches pin 3 of the GPO RJ45. 
When pressed for more than 350ms the button 
and GPO output act momentarily and deactivate 
when released. The button illumination responds 
to pin 3 of the GPI RJ45.

Mute Button

This button, when pressed briefly (less than 350ms) 
activates and latches pin 5 of the GPO RJ45. 
When pressed for more than 350ms the button 
and GPO output act momentarily and deactivate 
whenreleased. The button illumination responds 
to pin 5 of the GPI RJ45.

Mic Button

This button, when pressed briefly (less than 350ms) 
activates and latches on the GPO on pin 1 of the 
RJ45. Pin 2 provides an inverted output of pin 1. 
When pressed for more than 350ms the button 
and GPO output act momentarily and deactivate 
when released. The button illumination responds 
to pins 1 and 2 of the GPI RJ45 All button illumina-
tion colors can be changed using the 4 pole DIP 
switch on the back panel. There are 8 color 
choices in total: off, red, green, blue, cyan,
magenta, yellow and white.

DIP Switch

DIP Switch 1: LED current bit 1 (see table)
DIP Switch 2: LED current bit 0 (see table) 
DIP Switch 3: Enables/disables LED color
programming mode (see table)
DIP Switch 4: Determines which switch state 
programming mode is active on (DIP off = off 
color, DIP on = on color) (see table)

LED Color Programming (on start-up)

When DIP3 is enabled on power up, the unit will 
enter programming mode. Each button illumi-
nates in the color designated for its off or on state 
(controlled by DIP4). The user can press each 
button to cycle through 8 color options to set the 
desired color. Setting DIP3 switch back to off 
stores the colors to EEPROM and enters normal run 
mode. See programming mode flowchart for 
more information.
