10. At your computer, in the wireless router control panel Client PIN Code field, enter the PIN code,
then click
The printer communicates with the wireless router to resolve setup and configuration
information. When the printer has the correct information, it connects to the router and restarts
with the proper setup and configuration information.
If the router does not connect with the printer within 120 seconds, the connection attempt stops.
11. After the printer restarts, wait 20 seconds, then to get the network information that includes the
IP address, print a Configuration Report. For more information, refer to
Coonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo W
Wii--FFii D
You can connect to your printer from a Wi-Fi mobile device, such as a tablet, computer, or
smartphone, using Wi-Fi Direct. Wi-Fi Direct is disabled by default.
Wireless networking is available only on printers with the optional Wireless Network
Adapter installed.
Connecting with Wi-Fi Direct from Your Mobile Device
To connect with Wi-Fi Direct, follow the directions provided with your mobile device.
IInniittiiaall PPrriinntteerr SSeettuupp
Before installing the printer software, verify that the printer is set up correctly. Setup includes
enabling the optional features and assigning an IP address for the Ethernet network connection. The
installation wizard starts automatically the first time the printer is powered on. The installation wizard
prompts the system administrator to configure the following settings:
• Language
• Network Connection
• Proxy Server Setup
• Date and Time
• Measurements
• LDAP Settings
• Apps Setup
• Security Settings
For more information on configuring the printer settings, refer to the
System Administrator Guide
C600 Color Printer
User Guide