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Adding the Printer Using Bonjour
To add the printer using Bonjour
1. From the computer Applications folder or from the dock, open
System Preferences
2. Click
Printers & Scanners
The list of printers appears on the left of the window.
3. For the list of printers, click the Plus icon (
4. At the top of the window, click the
5. Select your printer from the list, then click
If your printer is not detected, verify that the printer is powered on and that the
Ethernet cable is connected properly.
Adding the Printer by Specifying the IP Address
To add the printer by specifying the IP address:
1. From the computer Applications folder or from the dock, open
System Preferences
2. Click
Printers & Scanners
The list of printers appears on the left of the window.
3. Under the list of printers, click the Plus icon (
4. Click
5. From the Protocol list, select the protocol.
6. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the printer.
7. In the Name field, enter a name for the printer.
8. From the Use list, choose
Select a driver to use
9. From the printer software list, select the print driver for your printer model.
10. Click
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For more information on installing print drivers and utilities for UNIX and Linux, refer to
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Web Services on Devices (WSD) allows a client to discover and access a remote device and its
associated services across a network. WSD supports device discovery, control, and use.
C500 Color Printer
User Guide