@PrintByXerox Overview
You can use the Xerox
@PrintByXerox App to print email attachments and documents
sent to your printer from mobile devices.
When your Xerox device is connected to the Internet, the @PrintByXerox App works with
the Xerox
Workplace Cloud for simple email-based printing.
The @PrintByXerox App and Xerox
Workplace Cloud software require specific licenses,
configuration settings, and minimum system specifications. For details, refer to the
@PrintByXerox App Quick Start Guide
available at
Printing with the @PrintByXerox App
1. Send an email with an attachment containing a supported file type to
First-time users receive a response email with a user ID and password.
2. At the Xerox device control panel, press the
3. Touch
4. Enter your email address, then touch
5. On the Enter password screen, use the onscreen keyboard to enter your password, then touch
6. Select the documents that you want to print.
7. Touch
Print Settings
, then touch
8. Touch
• The Submitting Jobs to Print message and conversion state appears.
• When the documents begin to print, a green check mark appears.
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Use the Preview option to view and check scanned images, or to build jobs that contain more than 50
original documents.
If you are using Preview to build a job, divide your job into segments of 50 or fewer pages. After all
the segments are scanned and previewed, the job is processed and sent as a single job.
If the Preview option is hidden from view, refer to
1. At the printer control panel, press the
2. To clear previous app settings, touch