7. Wiring Data
Plug / Jack Locationals
PWB Designations
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Logic Ground
High Ground
M+12VDC Power Distribution
M-12VDC Power Distribution
M+15VDC Power Distribution
M+24VDC Power Distribution
Wire Running List
P/J 3 A10 Coupler PWB
P/J 4 A5 Modem PWB
P/J (A) A8 Store and Forward PWB
P/J (B) A8 Store and Forward PWB
P/J 101 Speaker
P/J 104 Scan Motor
P/J 106 Wide Original Sensor (W2)
P/J 109 Nudger Solenoid
P/J 110 Scan Position Sensor (W4)
7. Wiring Data
http://xww.xedoc.world.xerox.com/data/XEDOC/Central/Fax/7017/TECH/section7.htm (1 of 2) [28/09/1999 11:42:06]