T h e f o l l o w i n g i s a d e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e
information contained within this section of
the Service Manual.
The Tools and Supplies subsection contains a
listing of the required tools and supplies you
will need to properly repair and maintain the
When a problem exists in a terminal that could
be caused by conditions outside of the defined
specifications, refer to Specifications and
Space Requirements. If the problem is a result
of space, electrical, or environmental
problems, call for assistance.
This Section contains requirements for
telephones and interconnections. Refer to
Telephone Requirements whenever the
problem is a result of the telephone or
telephone connections.
The Installation subsection will direct you
through the procedures required to install and
verify basic operation of the terminal.
System data setup includes software switches
that can be set to enable or disable parameters
that control the terminal.
As changes in configuration are made to the
terminal, they are assigned a Tag/MOD
number. Information about a specific
modification can be found in the Change Tag
Index Table.
System tests and general information can be
found in “System Test and information,“ this
section of the manual contains all the test
procedures contained in the terminals
software and general procedures.
A glossary of mnemonics has been added to
the end of this section
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