Section 2: Evaluating Colour Laser Printers
Evaluate Ease of Use
When evaluating colour laser printers, it is important to think about ease of
use from a variety of angles.
Are the printer and print driver simple enough for your
employees to learn, and do they help users solve issues and avoid downtime? Does
the printer include features that avoid interruptions? Are consumables easy to locate
and replace? Is automated support offered to minimise calls to your help desk or to
customer support?
How the Phaser 6360 exceeds
the ease-of-use requirement:
Front Panel
The large, high-contrast front panel
display is simple, well-organised and
backlit for comfortable viewing. Toner
supply levels are displayed prominently
on the default screen, which makes it
easy to check toner levels quickly. In
addition, the Phaser 6360 front panel
offers menu-based navigation features
and information, with options such as
walk-up features, paper tray setup, printer
setup, troubleshooting and shutdown.
The front panel is also a valuable resource
for help topics. Pressing the “?” button
brings up a contextual help message
that explains whatever menu function or
message is currently displayed. Further,
if the Phaser 6360 needs attention, the
front panel will display graphic and text
instructions on what you need to do to get
it back up and printing.
Print Drivers
The Phaser 6360 print drivers are
intuitively organised to offer quick access
to the most commonly used features,
with easy tab-based access to the
complete feature set. Tabs are organised
• Layout — The default driver tab,
settings for page orientation, two-sided
printing and N-up printing
• Paper/Quality — Paper selection
settings and status, as well as options
for print quality and cover pages
• Output Options — Settings for walk-up
features like Secure and Proof Printing,
and insertion of separation pages
• Xerox Colour Correction — Offers a set
of advanced features for controlling
the colour output of your Phaser 6360,
with settings for matching the colour
of other printing devices and computer
• Troubleshooting — Settings for the
PrintingScout utility and links to online
help resources
• Print drivers that support True Adobe
PostScript 3 and HP PCL 5c emulation
are bundled with the Phaser 6360.
They deliver a rich feature set, accurate
colours and support for your specifi c
applications and workfl ows.
Intelligent Ready
Intelligent Ready is a standard software
feature in the Phaser 6360. With
Intelligent Ready, there is no need to
turn off the printer. The software tracks
when and how the printer is used over
a rolling three-week period, which helps
the printer learn to automatically place
itself into standby and power-saving
modes during periods of nonuse. The
printer will automatically return to its
ready mode just prior to an expected use
period, avoiding any warm-up time and
8 Xerox Phaser 6360 Evaluator Guide