weerriinngg O
Onn tthhee U
Usseerr IInntteerrffaaccee
To power on the User Interface:
1. If installed, open the optional front door.
2. To locate the kiosk plunger switch, from the front of the device, reach under the left front of the
User Interface.
3. Press in and hold the plunger switch for 2 seconds, then release the plunger switch.
The kiosk User Interface powers on.
4. If installed, close the optional front door.
weerriinngg O
Offff tthhee U
Usseerr IInntteerrffaaccee
1. If installed, open the optional
front door
2. To power off the User Interface, perform the following:
To locate the kiosk plunger switch, from the front of the device, reach under the left front of
the User Interface.
Press in and hold the plunger switch for 2 seconds, then release the plunger switch.
3. Select
Power off
4. If installed, close the optional
front door
Instant Print Kiosk
User Guide