Resilient User Manual Version 2.0
Red LED/blinking
Indicative of a self-test failure. As of build 6058 Bluetooth turns on during a self-test failure.
Using the $status command will show what failure code is present.
i - Iridium - Modem cannot communicate with CPU of Resilient; contact Xeos
f - Flash - Flash error is showing as a full chip; erasing the chip may resolve this issue
t - Battery taps - Batteries are either oriented incorrectly, or a tap is too low.
Using the $taprv command shows voltages of all 6 taps. Taps lower than 3.6 Volts show as
a failure.
TapRV response:
Battery taps (averages=4 delay=1000 uS limit=3.60)
Str0: T0=12.03(4.08) T1=7.95(4.02) T2=3.93(3.93) OK
Str1: T0=12.15(4.02) T1=8.13(4.08) T2=4.05(4.05) OK
No Iridium messages (assuming no self-test failure)
Determine the nature of the issue (antenna-related, system related or location-related)
Ensure the device's Iridium IMEI is active on the Iridium network with your service
Ensure the device is provisioned to send messages where intended.
Flip the Resilient to use the bottom Iridium antenna to check the RSSI level (greater than
zero). The Status page of Bluetooth app shows most recent occurrance of these stats.
Change the location of the device; place the device in an area with as much total view of
the sky as possible.
Dumping the flash memory will display all Iridium sessions that occurred, regardless of
Messages are not readable (in binary)
Messages are in compressed binary format by default; use the $msgenable command to change
the format to ASCII. The format used is timer-dependent, so all timers need to be changed to the
intended format.
No GPS/poor GPS
The Resilient’s start-up message lists the firmware version of the GPS chip. If the GPS
version is not displayed, the CPU is unable to communicate with the GPS chip.
Change the location of the device; place the device in an area with as much total view of
the sky as possible.
Dumping the flash memory will display all GPS sessions that occurred, regardless of
Check the number of satellites seen (greater than 4), SNR level (greater than 38),
time the GPS session was on (less than 60 seconds for first fix, less than 20 for
other fixes). The status page of the Bluetooth app shows most recent occurrence
of these stats.