Petrel User Manual 0.1
Using the Magnet Switch
The Petrel beacon is turned ON and OFF using an external magnet near an internal magnetic reed
switch. The reed switch is located just below the glass.
The Petrel will transition between on and off as appropriate when 4 consecutive magnet swipes
occur within 2 seconds of each other. The appropriate color LED will also flash within the glass
when transitioning states with each magnet swipe:
Unit Status Indicators
Action: Turn On
Swipe magnet across switch until LED is solid green
Action: Turn Off
Swipe magnet across switch until LED is solid red
It is important to let all LEDs stop illuminating before initiating any other action.
Water Sensing
The Petrel’s water sensor is used to detect whether it is above water or submerged. The sensor
measured the resistance between the antenna and the electronics head. When the Petrel is
above water, the water sensor is not used. The water sensor will only begin measuring once the
unit enters underwater mode.
The Petrel’s water sense determination is programmatically set to operate optimally in salt water
environments. To operate the device in freshwater, the water sense threshold value may need
to be increased to trigger a water sense surfacing event.
The water sense reading has to be lower than the threshold number when submerged, and higher
than the threshold number when surfaced for surfacing to take place. Freshwater environments
can vary in the reading given. Therefore, testing should be done ahead of freshwater
deployments to ensure proper operation.
The Petrel has integrated Bluetooth hardware to facilitate local communication with the user for
configuration, flash memory dumps and firmware upgrades via the Xeos Beacon Android App.
The Petrel’s Bluetooth will advertise while in the Bluetooth mode. Bluetooth mode normally lasts
for 5 minutes after the unit is turned on via the magnet. If a Bluetooth connection is established,
the unit will not exit Bluetooth mode until 5 minutes have passed since the last Bluetooth session