XciteRC 3i FHSS Hobby-Spec 2.4 GHz
Keeping both INC and DEC-Button pressed, the transmitter will reset. TH/ST Trim will go to
neutral, Steering Dual Rate (ST.D/R) returns to default volume. Also the failsafe setting will be reset.
Failsafe Function
The XRC-3i Hobby-Specis equipped with a failsafe function. In case of signal loss or empty transmitter bat-
teries the throttle and steering servo will go in a preset position to avoid damage to the model. The throttle
position is adjustable, we recommend to preset the brake position for gas cars, electric cars also brake
position or neutral.
Gas car brake position
Electric car brake
1. Make sure the transmitter-/receiver power is enough.
2. Put the throttle trigger in the desired position (full brake), keep the „F/S“-button till „ST.D/R“-LED flash.
3. Then release „F/S“-button, Failsafe is set.
Servoreverse (ST./TH.REV)
This function reverses the direction of operation of the servos related to transmitter steering and throttle. The
upper ST-Switch reverses the steering servo (CH 1), the lower TH-Switch reverses the throttle servo (CH 2).
NOR means normal direction of rotation (above), REV changes the direction (bottom).
Servoreverse Steering
Servoreverse Throttle
End point adjustment (EPA)
Use this when performing left and right steering angle adjustments (CH1), throttle high side /brake side ope-
ration adjustment (CH2). EPA adjusting range 0 - 100%.
1. Steering (left side)
Adjusting the potentiometer ST.L, in 0 position shown the min. value 0% (servo did not rotate), on the
other side the max. position will be set.
2. Steering (right side)
Adjusting the potentiometer ST.R, in 0 position shown the min. value 0% (servo did not rotate), on the
other side the max. position will be set.
3. Throttle (forward)
Adjusting the potentiometer TH.MAX, in 0 position shown the min. value 0% (servo did not rotate), on the