Tampa, FL 33542
Technical Support: (800) 832-4003
The PMC01 Mini-Controller gives you manual control of up to eight X10 Receiver Modules of various formats. Just plug it in and
you are in control! The PMC01 turns On/Off up to eight X10 lights and appliances connected to X10 Receiver Modules. The PMC01 has On/Off,
Bright/Dim, All Lights On and All Units Off Command Buttons. The Selector Switch assigns the 4 On/Off Buttons to control the X10 Receiver
Modules set to Unit Codes 1-4 or 5-8.
Specific Requirements:
120VAC, Desk-top, Plug-in.
Optional / Supplementary Devices & Modules:
PLW01 Standard Incandescent Wall Switch Module, PLM01Plug-in Lamp Module, PAM01/02 Plug-in 2 and 3-pin Appliance Modules.
X10 Protocol:
House Code Dial
- Letters A-P
Unit Number Dial
- Numbers 1-16
Each X10 Receiver Module is set to a unique Unit Number or to an identical Unit Number as desired.
Each X10 Controller operating a specific set of Receiver Modules must be set to the same House Code as the Receivers they are controlling.
Electrical Protocol:
Nearly all residential homes are wired SPLIT-PHASE. Each 120V Phase is NOT directly connected with the other 120V phase. If after installation,
an X10 Receiver does not respond to a remote Controller, then check to ensure that the breaker serving the X10 Receiver is on the same phase as
the Controller. If not, the breaker can be changed to the opposite phase. An alternative solution is recommended, to install a Phase Coupler for
improving remote communications throughout the home. See www.x10pro.com, then select Technical Support and PLC Troubleshooting.
1. Install and set up all of your X10 Receiver Modules referring to the instructions included with the specific Module.
2. Set all of your X10 Receiver Modules to the same House Code as you set on the Mini-Controller.
3. Set each X10 Receiver Module(s) to a Unit Code between 1 and 8. Move the Selector Switch on the Mini Controller to 1-4 or 5-8 as needed to
control all eight X10 Receiver Modules.
To turn ON a light or appliance,
press and release the TOP (ON) of one of the 4 number buttons corresponding to the Unit Code set on the X10
Receiver Module to be controlled.
To turn OFF a light of appliance,
press and release the BOTTOM (OFF) of one of the 4 number buttons corresponding to the Unit Code set on the
X10 Receiver Module to be controlled.
The "Selector Switch" selects whether buttons 1 thru 4, control X10 Receiver Modules set to 1-4 or 5 -8.
To Dim or Brighten lights,
press and release the TOP (ON) of the number button for the X10 Receiver Module you wish to Dim or Brighten (you
can't Dim or Brighten Appliance or Wall Outlet Modules). Then press the TOP (Bright) of the Dim/Bright button to Brighten or the BOTTOM (Dim) of
the Dim/Bright button to Dim the light currently ON. Press and Hold the button, until the desired brightness level is reached (keep in mind Dimming
until the bulbs are dark is not off, send an appropriate OFF command to turn the Module OFF).
To Turn All Lights ON,
press the TOP of the All Lights On/ALL Units Off button to instantly turn ON ALL lights connected to Lamp Modules and
Wall Switch Modules (which are set to the same House Code as the Mini Controller). DOES NOT affect X10Appliance or Wall Outlet Receiver
To Turn All Units OFF,
press the Bottom of the All Lights On/ALL Units Off button to instantly turn OFF ALL X10 Receiver Modules (which are set
to the same House Code as the Mini-Controller). DOES include X10 Appliance and Wall Outlet Receiver Modules
The X10 PRO Mini-Controller will always turn lamps and appliances ON when you press the appropriate buttons. Caution should be taken when
remotely operating Modules attached to appliances like a coffee pots (which could be empty). If that should happen, your coffee pot may be
damaged from overheating unless it has a thermal shut down circuit. If an electric heater is turned ON while clothing is draped over it, a fire could
result. Do not use X10 for the control of high power heating appliances or portable heaters.
X10 Receiver Modules
(Selectable by Unit Code)
Plugs Into