Before Powering up Your Projector
Laser beams may shoot in unexpected places during setup, so be sure that all areas which may be within
the projecAon field of the laser are clear of people and flammable materials. Be prepared to
immediately terminate the laser output if any laser is emi6ed in an unsafe direcAon.
Be sure the laser projector is safely and securely rigged, and not likely to be moved or dislodged by
vibraAon or collision with any moving scenery, equipment, people, animals, etc.
Be sure you have at least one, but preferably two, reliable means of a6enuaAng the laser beam such as
an etherStop pendant, funcAoning DMX/Art-Net control, or the ability to quickly cut power to the
projector. Mains power terminaAon should only be considered a secondary safety system, not the
primary means of a6enuaAon.
Duty Cycle
The laser may be le] powered on without projecAng any laser content indefinitely, however over Ame
this will result in the cooling fans, filters, and external heatsinks needing more frequent cleaning. For
opAmal maintenance intervals, power off the system when it will not be used for more than an hour or
two. When operated within the specified temperature range, the laser may be operated conAnuously
for up to four hours with no ill effect.
Laser Startup
To provide safe and reliable operaAon and meet the requirements of US Federal regulaAons and
internaAonal standards, X-laser projectors generally require a mulA-step startup procedure:
1. A]er power on, the laser starts in the “Startup” state.
2. If any key switches are not in the enabled posiAon or any remote interlocks are open, the laser
will enter the “Not Ready” state. The laser’s display will indicate the required acAon, for
example “Turn Key” or “Interlock Open”
3. All key switches must be switched to the enabled posiAon, all remote interlocks must be closed,
and if the if the reset input is iniAally asserted, it must be released.
4. When these condiAons are met, the laser will enter the “Ready” state and the emission indicator
will flash briefly once every three seconds.
5. The reset input must be asserted, either by pressing the reset bu6on on a remote pendant or by
pressing the laser bu6on
on the projector.
6. The laser will test its local emission indicator and then enter the “Emission Delay” state. The
emission indicator will flash once per second during this Ame.
7. If all key switches and remote interlocks are kept in the closed state, the laser will enter the
“Enabled” state a]er the emission delay Ame has expired. The emission indicator will be on
conAnuously, and the laser will be ready to emit if a suitable control signal is applied.
8. If at any point a key switch or remote interlock is opened, the laser will immediately return to
the “Not Ready” state.