User manual Proteus-II
6. Host connection
6.1. Serial interface: UART
The configuration in factory state of the UART is 115200 Baud without flow control and with
data format of 8 data Bits, no parity and 1 stop Bit ("8n1"). The baud rate of the UART can be
configured by means of the UserSetting
. The data format is fixed to 8n1.
The flow control can be enabled by means of the UserSetting
The output of characters on the serial interface runs with secondary priority. For this reason,
short interruptions may occur between the outputs of individual successive Bytes. The host
must not implement too strict timeouts between two Bytes to be able to receive packets that
have interruptions in between.
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022