Advanced Operation
Advanced Operation
Repeater Mode Operation
In addition to its capabilities as a powerful mobile GMRS transceiver, two Wouxun
KG-1000G radios can be physically connected together to create a fully functional
GMRS repeater.
How to configure two radios into a repeater
Through the RPT-SET function [MENU 32, p 59], you can set up the two indi-
vidual units to communicate between each other to operate in tandem as one repeater
Through MENU 32 RPT-SET, you can set the two transceivers as a directional repeat-
1. Using the RPT-SET menu option, set one transceiver as the repeater receiver by
selecting the RPT-RX option. Set the other transceiver as the repeater transmitter
by selecting the T-W RPT option.
2. Connect these two transceivers with the 8 pin data cable (model SCO-002) sup-