Basic Operation
Dual Display: Using Areas “A” and “B”
The KG-1000G is two radios in one! The dual display function allows you to monitor
two channels at the same time. While this may sound complex, the KG-1000G is de-
signed to make this powerful feature easy to use.
The display is divided in half with the left side referred to as “Area A” and the right side
referred to as “Area B”. Each area controls a separate radio. A down arrow indicator
above the channel/frequency display indicates which area is primary. When you per-
form an operation on the radio, such as changing channels or transmitting, that opera-
tion is performed on the currently active area.
Turning the Dual Display On and Off
The dual display is off by default on the KG-1000G. Instead of a frequency or channel
name, the text “KG-1000G” will be displayed in the inactive area when the dual display
is off.
Use the TDR function to toggle between a single and dual display. By default, the TDR
function is assigned to Hotkey “C”, but it can also be activated by pressing the number