Basic Operation
Basic Operation
Transmitting and Receiving
With a channel selected, the radio is actively “listening” for an incoming signal on that
channel. When a signal is detected, the transmission will be heard through the radio’s
speaker. Please note, the Squelch setting (page 57) determines how strong a signal
needs to be in order to be detected.
To transmit, first be sure the channel is clear and then hold the hand microphone a few
inches from your mouth. Hold down the PTT button on the side of the microphone
while talking and release the PTT when finished.
Dual Display: Using Areas “A” and “B”
The KG-1000G Plus is two radios in one! The dual display function allows you
to monitor two channels at the same time. While this may sound complex, the
KG-1000G Plus is designed to make this powerful feature easy to use.
The display is divided in half with the left side referred to as “Area A” and the right side
referred to as “Area B”. Each area controls a separate radio. A down arrow indicator
above the channel/frequency display indicates which area is primary. When you per-