11.3. check BAtterY VoLtAGe
11.4. DrAIn the cooLInG pIpes
The pipes of the cooling liquid must be drained, cleaned
and filled every 1000 hours of working.
Place a receptacle under the engine to get the used
cooling liquid.
Unscrew the drain cooling liquid cap (1).
Screw the cap once the drain completed.
11.5. DrAIn AnD repLAceMent of the wAter AnD DIeseL fILter
The water and diesel filter must be changed every 500h.
Close the cock, “O” position to “C” position (5)
Unscrew only the nut (1) of the water filter or the
diesel filter.
Clean the cup (3) and/or change the cartridge inside
Open again the cock, “C” position to “O” position (5).