6 720 612 220 GB (05.09)
Default setting (Automatic mode)
Heating with RT 10:
• Automatic change between High
/ Frost corresponding to the heat-
ing program entered.
• Operating mode High
The TD 200 controls to the room temperature
set for the the operating mode High.
• Operating mode Low
The TD 200 controls to the room temperature
set for the the operating mode Low.
• Operating mode Frost
The TD 200 controls to the room temperature
set for the the operating mode Frost.
Heating without RT 10:
• Automatic change between heating On
corresponding to the heating program
• Operating mode On
The heating appliance controls to the flow
temperature set.
• Operating mode Off
The heating appliance controls to the flow
temperature which corresponds to the heat-
ing appliance frost protection.
Setting options
• Heating with RT 10: Maximum six switching
times per day with three different operating
modes (High / Low / Frost).
• Heating without RT 10: Maximum six
switching times per day with two different
operating modes (On / Off).
• optionally the same times for each day, Mon-
day - Friday, Saturday - Sunday or different
times for each day
• optionally different times for each day or the
same times for:
– Each day (All days)
– Monday to Friday (Mo - Fr)
– Saturday and Sunday (Sa - Su)
• shortest switching period is 15 minutes
(= 1 Segment).
Set switching times and operating mode
• Mo - Fr: Begin Monday to Friday at the same
time with the selected operating mode.
• Sa - Sun: Begin Saturday and Sunday at the
same time with the selected operating mode.
• All days: Begin each day at the same time
with the selected operating mode.
• individual week day (e.g. Thursday): Begin
each Thursday at the same time with the
selected operating mode.
• Reset to factory: Reset switching times and
operating modes, see Chapter 4.3.3 on
page 17.
Set the flow temperature control-
ler on the heating appliance to
the maximum inlet temperature
Deactivate unrequired switching
times by deleting them.