78 | UM-PP-EN-03
Edit/Show Parameters
To change parameters, select the EDIT PARAMETERS option in the start menu. Fields with adjustable
parameters will be displayed:
Fig. 43 WUS edit parameters
The desired values can be set by pressing the respective buttons. The set values appear on the screen,
for example, Language: English, speed in km/h. By pressing the END button, the set values are
accepted and the main menu is displayed again.
In some cases, a virtual keypad will appear to input parameters. Enter the desired value and press the
CONFIRM button.
By selecting the SHOW PARAMETERS option in the overview, the treadmill performance parameters
appear. The display is for information only; the specified parameters cannot be changed at this point.
Fig. 44 WUS show parameters
By pressing the arrow button, further technical information can be retrieved. With the CANCEL button,
the main menu appears again.