Manual 37259C
SPM-D11 - Synchronizing Unit
Page 44/79
© Woodward
Three-Step Controller (SPM-D11/LSR and SPM-D11/LSXR, Setting 'THREE-STEP')
Freq. controller
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Frequency controller
................The generator frequency is controlled. The control is executed in
various manners depending on the task (no load / isolated operation /
synchronization). The following screens of this function are dis-
..............Control is not carried out, and the following screens of this function
are not displayed.
Freq. controller
Isol. oper. ON
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Isolated operation frequency controller
The setting of this screen has no influence on the load sharing control.
................In isolated operation the frequency controller is enabled.
..............In isolated operation the frequency controller is disabled.
Freq. Controller
Ramp =.00.0Hz/s
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Frequency controller set point ramp
0.1 to 99.9 Hz/s
A change in set point is supplied to the controller via a ramp. The slope of the ramp
is used to alter the rate at which the controller changes the set point value. The
more rapidly the change in the set point is to be carried out, the greater the value
must be which is entered here.
Freq. controller
Dead band=0.00Hz
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Frequency controller insensitivity
0.02 to 1.00 Hz
No load/Isolated operation:
The measured generator frequency is controlled so
that it does not deviate from the configured frequency by more than
the value configured in this dead band setting while operating in a
steady state.
The measured generator frequency is controlled so that the dif-
ferential frequency does not exceed this dead band setting while op-
erating in a steady state. The mains or busbar frequency is used as
the set point value.
Freq. controller
Time pulse>000ms
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Minimum ON period – frequency controller
10 to 250 ms
The minimum ON period of the relay should be selected in such a manner that the
downstream control element responds reliably to the pulse length set here. The
smallest possible time must be set in order to ensure optimum control behavior.
Freq. controller
Gain Kp 00.0
for SPM-D11/LSR and
Frequency controller gain
0.1 to 99.9
The gain factor K
influences the ON time of the relays. By increasing the gain, the
response is increased to permit larger corrections to the variable to be controlled re-
sulting in longer ON time periods. The optimum setting depends on the behavior of
the system. If the gain is too low, the control action becomes slow. If the gain is
configured too high, the result is excessive overshoot/undershoot of the desired