Using Wolverine MovieMaker Pro
The Wolverine Movie Maker Pro will help you convert your old 8mm and Super 8 film into a
digital MPEG-4 movie file at 1080P/20 FPS.
NOTE : A USB Flash Drive is required to save your movie files.
The following is a step-by-step guide that will walk you through how to use the Movie Maker
Pro to convert your 8mm and Super 8 films.
Step –by –Step Guide
Determine which size take-up reel to use. Film reels come in three main sizes: 3 in, 5 in,
and 7 inch. If your film is 3 inches or 5 inches, use the 5 inch take up reel (smaller one). If
your film is on a 7 inch reel, use the 7 inch take up reel (larger one).
3 inch reel
5 inch reel
5 inch take
up reel
7 inch reel
7 inch take
up reel