The factory setting of the grinding degree is based on the characteristics of average coffee beans. The
effects of a change in the degree of grinding can only be assessed after the second cup after re-setting.
There are the following limits to the settings:
Degree of grinding too fi ne:
The dispensing stream is interrupted and/or there is a fl ow fault: –> the ground coffee clogs the brewing
fi lter.
Increase the grinding degree by one rotation to make it coarser.
Grinding degree is too coarse:
Runs out too fast - especially in case of espresso - the cream is too light and less consistent, the aroma is
Adjust the grinding degree by one rotation to make it fi ner.
Correct setting:
Verify your setting by preparing a double cup espresso.
The fi ner the grind of the coffee the stronger the contents of the coffee will be dissolved.
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