If no problem as above, check the socket of the digital line if connected well;
The pin definition of power wire (normal use for laser tube more than 100W)
Pin 1 is 5V VOUT. The maximum current output is 20mA.
Pin 2 is H (TH) input signal, which controls the optical switch, when the voltage
3V, the signal will agree the
laser tube to send out laser, when the voltage
0.3V, the signal will not agree the laser tube to send out laser.
Pin 3 is L (TL) input signal, which controls the optical switch, when the voltage
3V, the signal will agree the
laser tube to send out laser, when the voltage
0.3V, the signal will not agree the laser tube to send out laser.
Pin 4 is P (WP) input signal, which controls the optical switch, when the voltage
3V, the signal will agree the
laser tube to send out laser, when the voltage
0.3V, the signal will not agree the laser tube to send out laser.
Pin 5 is G signal. This pin connects the machine body and control card.
Pin 6 as the IN input signal controls the laser power. It can be controlled by 0-5V analogue signal or 5V PWM
The laser is very weak.
The laser tube is too old. Need to change a new laser tube.
The focus lens is dirty. Take down and clean the focus lens.
The reflector mirrors are dirty. Take down and clean the reflector mirrors.
The laser path is not right. Adjust the laser path and make it vertical with the worktable.
The focus distance is wrong. Adjust the focus distance.