© 2014 Wirepath Surveillance
WPS-750-DOM-IPH Installation Manual Tips for Getting the Best Camera Image
Too much brightness causes the image to fade. Too little brightness will cause dark colors to run together.
Too much contrast will cause obscured details. Too little contrast will cause the image to lose clarity and brightness.
Too much saturation will cause colors to be inaccurate. Too little saturation will cause the image to appear black and white.
Increase AGC only if contrast in the scene is too dark in some areas and too bright in others. Too much AGC can drastically
reduce image clarity in low-light scenes.
Lower shutter time values increase the amount of light available, but can increase movement blur. Higher shutter time values
decrease lighting, but motion is captured more clearly.
Leave Sense-Up OFF unless required for scenes containing very bright and dark areas at the same time (such as heavily
backlit windows).
DNR can reduce some digital noise that occurs in dimly lit scenes. Use the lowest setting that provides adequate image quality.