Start the engine - general
Usual start conditions
The engine must be prepared for operation.
All the auxiliary systems must be in correct operation related to section
You can start the engine from the locations that follow:
At the bridge or engine control room (ECR) with remote control
At the backup control panel in the ECR
At the local control panel of the engine.
Obey the rules for operation related to barred speed ranges:
Do not continuously operate the engine in a barred speed range.
If you change the speed, go through the barred speed range as quickly as possible.
It is possible that the engine has more than one barred speed range (for example if the
axial vibration damper becomes defective, or one or more cylinders are not in operation).
You can find data about the barred speed ranges near the telegraph on the bridge, near
the local control panel, and in the related documentation of vibration calculations.
Start conditions - limits
With some limits you also can start the engine, if parts of the engine are not prepared for operation,
for example:
One or more turbochargers are defective.
One or more cylinders are unserviceable.
The cooling water flow is decreased.
One or more turbochargers are defective
To prevent damage to the engine, make sure that you know the limits that follow:
For an engine with two turbochargers and one turbocharger is defective:
Make sure that the exhaust gas temperature at the serviceable turbocharger inlet is
less than the maximum permitted temperature.
The maximum power output of the engine is approximately 50% related to the power
of the serviceable turbocharger.
Operation Manual
Start the engine - general
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 254 -
Issue 002 2021-11