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Extended Address Register –
Volatile Writable Only
In addition to the Status Registers, W25Q256FV provides a volatile Extended Address Register which
consists of the 4
byte of memory address. The Extended Address Register is used only when the device
is operating in the 3-Byte Address Mode (ADS=0). The lower 128Mb memory array (00000000h –
00FFFFFFh) is selected when A24=0, all instructions with 3-Byte addresses will be executed within that
region. When A24=1, the upper 128Mb memory array (01000000h – 01FFFFFFh) will be selected.
If the device powers up with ADP bit set to 1, or an “Enter 4-Byte Address Mode (B7h)” instruction is
issued, the device will require 4-Byte address input for all address related instructions, and the Extended
Address Register setting will be ignored. However, any command with 4-byte address input will replace
the Extended Address Register Bits (A31-A24) with new settings.
Upon power up or after the execution of a Software/Hardware Reset, the Extended Address Register
values will be cleared to 0.
Figure 4e. Extended Address Register