Alle Be schlag teile für d ie M on tag e mü ssen sach ge mä ß be fes tigt s ein. Schra ube n bitte fe st a nzieh en , ge ge be ne nfa lls
sp äte r einm al nach zieh en um e in Hän gen ble ib en von K le idu ngss tücke n zu ve rm eid en. Es best eh t a nson ste n d ie
Ge fa hr ein er St ra ng ulierun g!
Das Kind erbe tt n icht in de r Näh e vo n o ffe ne m Fe ue r od er an de re n starken Hitzeq ue lle n wie elekt risch e Heizst ra hler,
Ga söf en usw. a bst ellen!
Die M öb elo berflä che nu r feu cht ab wisch en . Bitt e ke ine ätze nd en Reinig un gsm it tel ve rwe nd en!
Der B ett bo den ist in de r Hö he 3-fa ch verstellba r. Die u nte rst e S tellun g ist die sic herste . Nur d iese sollte verwe nd et
werde n, sob ald da s Kin d so alt ist , um sich au f zu set zen .
Die Dicke de r Ma tratze m uss so ge wä hlt we rden , d ass die zu ü be rste ige nd e Höh e (Mat ra tzen ob erfläc he bis
Ob erkan te de s Be ttrah me ns) in hö chste r Ste llu ng min de sten s 2 00 mm u nd in n iedrigst er St ellun g m inde ste ns 5 00
mm be trägt!
Der rot e P un kt am G it ter muss imm er u nte n se in!
Zur Nu tzun g d er S chlup fsp ro ssen un be ding t a lle Sp ro ssen e ntfe rnen , u m ein Ste cken bleib en de s Kind es zu
verh in de rn .
Exce nt erverbind un ge n s in d s o zu m ont ie ren, da ss d ie Ab de ckkap pen b ün dig absch ließen un d s om it von Kin de rn
n ich t a bg en om me n we rd en kö nne n.
Das Kind erbe tt b itte nicht m eh r b en utzt en , so llte e in Teil ze rst ört sein od er fe hle n. B itte verwe nd en Sie fü r die
Rep arat ur nu r vom Herste lle r empf ohle ne Ersat zteile! Das B ett nicht m eh r n ut ze n we nn da s Kin d g roß g enu g is t um
d ie Se iten zu üb ersteig en .
10 . L asse n S ie nich t im Be tt lieg en , d as d as K ind als Fu ßhalt be nut zten kan n, od er d as e ine Gef ah r des Stran gu lie re ns
mit sich brin ge n k ann , z. B. S chn üre, Gard in en - od er Vo rh an gko rd el.
11 . Emp foh len e M atra tzen größe 14 00 x 7 00 x10 0 mm
12 . Be nu tze n S ie n ie m als m eh r a ls eine M atra tze im K in de rb et t!
1. W hen assembling, please ensure that all fittings are correctly fastened. Please tighten screws securely and if
necessary retighten at a later stage in order to prevent items of clothing catching in these. Otherwise there is
the risk of strangulation.
2. Do not position the cot bed close to an open fire or other strong sources of heat such as electrical radiant
heaters, gas ovens etc.
3. Simply wipe the surface of the furniture with a damp cloth. Please do not use corrosive cleaning agents.
4. The base of the cot bed is adjustable in 3 levels. The lowest level is the safest and as soon as the child is old
enough to sit upright, only this level should be used.
5. The thickness of the mattress m ust be selected to ensure that the height to be m ounted (mattress surface to the top
of the cot bed frame) is at least 200 mm when the base of the cot bed is in the highest position and at least 500
mm in the lowest position.
6. The red marking on th e grid m ust always b e facin g downwa rds.
7. If you are taking ou t the rem ovable bars, it is imp erative that all th e removable bars a re taken out in ord er to
pre ve nt the child g ettin g caught.
8. Eccentric adjustment bolts are to be assem bled in such a way that the protective caps are flush and cannot be
removed by children.
9. Please do not continue to use the cot bed if a part is damaged or missing. In the case of repairs, please use only spare
parts that are recommended by the manufacturer. Do not use the cot bed once the child is big enough to climb
over the sides.
10. Leave nothing in the cot bed that your child could use to get their footing, or that could lead to strangulation, for
example strings, or cords from curtains and drapes
11. Recom me nded mattress size: 14 00 x 70 0 x 100 mm
Never use more than one mattress in t he cot
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