User manual Wilo-Geniax Central Control
How does the temperature control work?
4.2 Temperature specifications
The working range of the temperature control is deter-
mined by various temperature specifications. These limit
the temperatures that can be set and are preselected in
the input menus.
Fig. 8:
Representation of the temperature specifications (factory configuration)
4.2.1 Comfort temperature
The comfort temperature is the preselected temperature
for presence and during the day period.
4.2.2 Energy saving temperature
The energy saving temperature is the preselected tem-
perature for absence and in the night period.
4.2.3 Minimum temperature
The minimum temperature specifies the lowest tempera-
ture that can be set in the input menus.
4.2.4 Maximum temperature
The maximum temperature specifies the highest temper-
ature that can be set in the input menus.
4.2.5 Room frost protection temperature
The room frost protection temperature is the temperature
specification for the “Room frost protection” room mode.
The temperature specifications are individually
preset during the installation. You only have to
change it if your heating habits have changed sig-
nificantly [7.3 Setting temperature specifications,
page 86].
oom temperatur
Time of day
e.g. 21°C
e.g. 16°C
e.g. 30°C
e.g. 10°C
e.g. 5°C
Maximum temperature
Comfort temperature
Energy-saving temperature
Minimum temperature
Room frost protection temperature