Debugging and troubleshooting of Media Gateways
Debugging and troubleshooting of Media Gateways
Page 7 of 14
Check/ substitute the wiring
Check that the following wiring scheme is used (“straight” wiring):
In case of the wiring to the network terminal Selta with DB9 connector, the correct scheme of the wiring is
the following one:
Issue 1.2. The signal is not active
How to solve:
Make sure that “
is set up to “
” in WMS ->
, under the configuration menu
Use provided clock
of BRI/ PRI trunk
Request an operator to check the line’s state
Resolving issues with PBX legacy/other devices connection
Issue 2.1. The physical link is not active
How to solve:
Check/ substitute the wiring
Check the mode in which the ISDN interface of the PBX Legacy operates:
If it operates in TE mode with "
" , the Wildix PRI Gateway should operate as NT
Use provided clock
with the clock set up to "Generate clock"
If it operates in NT mode with "
", the Wildix PRI Gateway should operate as TE with
Generate clock
the clock set up to "Use provided clock"