Model GR-371 Woggle Bug
© 1996-2003 Wiard Synthesizer Company – design by Bill Sequeira/Axon Hillock
Source of Uncertainty
Wiard GR-371 Woggle Bug
Rev: 031001
LR (LFO Rate) Green, lit when LFO [out] is at 10v.
ST (Stepped Voltage) Red/orange, indicates voltage at STEPPED CV
SM (Smooth Voltage) Red/orange, indicates voltage at SMOOTH CV [out]
B (Bug Light) Yellow, indicates audio pulse rates at OUT1 [out] and OUT2
LFO Control
LFO RATE [knob] Value added to voltage at RATE
[in], controls LFO rate linearly (1 cycle / 20 sec to
50 cycles / sec). Sets rate of change of SMOOTH
out tone and CV.
Oscillator Range
SMOOTH RANGE [knob] Sets the range of
SMOOTH TONE out (1-6 octaves).
Woggle Control
WOGGLE RANGE [knob] Sets the range of
WOOGLED TONE [out] (1-6 octaves).
WOGGLE TIME [knob] Sets the lock in time of the
woggle oscillator phase locked loop. The B lamp is
off when the woggle PLL is in lock.
Step and Tone Range Setting
CLUSTERING [knob] Sets the range of probable
values for the STEP CV [out]. At minimum, equal
probability of voltage from 0 – 10 V at STEP CV
[out]. At maximum, limits change to next value -
samples tend to cluster.
Main Output Section
OUT1, OUT2 [out] Primary audio outs for the
Woggle Bugs. Audio is output when B LED is lit.
LFO Section
RATE [in] 0-10v added to LFO RATE to vary LFO
rate from 0.05-50 Hz.
LFO [out] 0-10v square wave from 0.05-50 Hz.
Stepped Output
STEP CV [out] 0 – 10V stepped random voltage. A
new voltage is selected at each positive going clock
pulse at STEP CLOCK [in].
STEP CLOCK [in] New voltage selected each time a
positive clock pulse crosses 1.5V. Normalized to LFO
Smooth Output
SMOOTH CV [out] 0-8v smooth random voltage.
Probable rate of change set by LFO RATE knob
added with RATE [in].
SMOOTH TONE [out] 0-10v audio rate square
wave, the frequency range of which is set by the
Woggled Output
WOGGLED CV [out] 0 – 8V product of the smooth
and stepped random voltages. The demodulated
output of a phase locked loop frequency modulation
detector tracking the smooth tone and being
disturbed by the step control voltage. PLL loop lock-
in time is set by WOGGLE TIME knob. When the PLL
is in lock, the B LED is off.
WOGGLED TONE [out] 0 – 10V audio rate square
wave, the frequency range of which is set by the
Woggle PLL/VCO Disturb CV Inputs
DISTURB CV 1, DISTURB CV 2 [in] 0-10v control
voltage added to STEP CV out at the WOGGLE TONE
in. WOGGLE RANGE knob must be set to less than
maximum for this input to work, 1 goes to left
Woggle Bug and 2 goes to right.
Child Tone Outputs
Child tones are the XOR (ring mod) product of the two Woggle Bug parents.
CHILD TONES 3 [out] – 0 – 10V pulse wave which is the audio XOR product of the SMOOTH TONE
[out] of each Woggle Bug. Sound changed by both SMOOTH TONE controls.
CHILD TONES 4 [out] – 0 – 10V pulse wave which is the audio rate XOR product of the WOGGLE
TONE [outs] of each Woggle Bug. Sound affected by all 10 knobs.
Out1, Out2
Smooth Tone
Woggle Tone
Child Tones
Step CV
Smooth CV
Woggled CV
Two circuits - WOG1, WOG2