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Wall Mailbox Instructions
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1048 R091119 SP
Parts Included:
A) Mailbox Body
B) Mounting Screws
Optional add-ons
C) Monogram Plaque
D) 3M Adhesive Strip for Monogram
E) Alignment Guide (cut-out included)
F) Address Plaque
G) 3M Adhesive Strip for address plaque
Tools Needed (Not Included):
1) Drill & 1/8” Drill Bit
2) Level
3) Screw Driver
4) Pencil
5) Wall Anchor if nessecary
(shown with optional Monogram
and Address plaque)
Monogram attachment (Optional):
1) Locate optional monogram (C) and square tape (D). Remove one side of adhesive
backer and apply squarely to back side of monogram.
2) Locate alignent guide (E). Cut out center cirlce and along the profile. Line up and
place in the top portion of the mailbox.
3) Take monogram with adhesive attached, remove paper backing and align within the
circle cut-out of the aligment guide. Set in place and press firmly for 15 seconds
to activate adhesive.
4. Remove alignment guide.
Address Plaque attachment (Optional):
1) Locate address plaque ( F) and adhesive strip (G). Remove one side of adhesive
backer and apply squarely to the back side of address plaque.
2) Take address plaque with adhesive attached and align with front side of mailbox,
set in place, ensuring proper alignment.
3) Press down firmly for 15 seconds to activate adhesive.
Wall Mounting:
1) Place mailbox on surface you will be mounting to, and from the inside of
the mailbox locate the two keyhole cutouts. Pencil two marks for screws
on the surface you’ll be mounting to.
2) Set mailbox aside, ensure the two points are level - then drill a hole at
each pencil mark with 1/8” drill bit.
4) Fasten mounting Screws (B) into pre-drilled holes leaving about .25”
unscrewed. Use wall anchor (not included) if nessecary.
5) Fix mailbox on to the two screws and ensure screws sit at the top
of the keyhole in the mail box backplate.
3) Finish by tightening the mounting screws (E) until flush with the
mailbox back plate.
Apply tape in +50˚ F Enviroment