Mini-Seis III Pro™ Operating Manual
Page 20
refreshes the GPS when a triggered event occurs. There is a power and performance cost to
using the GPS. If the Startup option is used, the GPS will power down after acquiring the
coordinates. If the Record option is used, triggering will be disabled while the GPS is
powered up and retrieving coordinates. Then it will be shut down and triggering will be re-
Once implemented, the Time Sync option will be settable to Yes or No. If set to Yes, then the
GPS is left on, and each record is stored with the number of counts into the record when the
first GPS sync pulse occurred. Since all records are at least 1 second long, this guarantees
that the GPS sync pulse will be past the point at which the record started. Note that this is
applicable only to waveforms.
Use Sync Now to manually acquire the GPS location and refresh the data. Triggering may
need to be disabled to use this soft key.
The System Log tracks when the unit is armed and disarmed and when charges are made to
setup parameters. Each entry in the log consists of a date and time and text to indicate what
the entry represents.
System Log: 1215
08-Aug-2020 15:04:40
The various log entries can be reviewed on the display using the left and right arrow keys.
They can also be retrieved and displayed by the Seismograph Data Analysis software.
Use the Clear soft key to clear all log entries.
The timer can be set to specify when the instrument will be operational. The starting and
ending hour can be from 0 to 23. The starting and ending minute can be 0 or 30.
If the On Timer is set to Enabled, no operating mode can be activated outside of the timer.
The active operating mode will be started at the On time and stopped at the Off time.
Timer Setup
On Timer: Enabled
Off Timer: Enabled
Settings HR MIN
On 08 00
Off 17 00