Whisper Booth How to Guide
The Whisper Room uses a few devices to make the recording process possible. The devices used are
a microphone, an audio interface, and a few cables. The purpose of the audio interface is to record
to a computer via USB or to record to an SD card. The audio interface that the Center for Innovation
uses is the MixPre3, which is made by a well-known company called Sound Devices. Sound Devices is
known for their amazing quality and features. The MixPre3 has the capability to record three
microphones at a time. The CFI has other options to record more than three microphones at a time,
if you need more let our manager know and we will be happy to assist.
Steps to using the device
1) Inserting SD Card or plugging in computer
2) Powering On
3) Formatting SD card
4) Gain Staging
5) Plugging in Headphones
6) Recording
If you are using a computer, you need to use a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). There are many
free DAWs that are available to download such as Audacity, Garageband, Pro Tools|First, etc. After
you plug in the device via the USB-C cable you can select the sound device as your audio device in
your DAWs audio preferences.
If you are using an SD card, you need to insert an SD card into the device. It is a good practice to
have the MixPre3 turned off before inserting the SD card and removing it after your recording is
done. The SD slot is located behind the bumper on the back of the MixPre3. (Figure 1)
(Figure 1)
(Figure 1)