Product Features
RELEASED 8/13/13
for directly driving an LED. A buffer circuit external to the device must be employed to drive the LED.
The activity signal is based on an open-collector or open-drain active low driver. The device shall
tolerate the activity signal being shorted to ground.
3.17 48-bit Logical Block Addressing (LBA)
The 48-bit Address feature set allows devices with capacities up to approximately 281 tera sectors or
approximately 144 peta bytes. In addition, the number of sectors that may be transferred by a single
command are increased by increasing the allowable sector count to 16 bits.
3.18 Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology
S.M.A.R.T. helps you monitor a drive’s internal status through diagnostic commands at the host level.
The drive monitors Read Error Rate, Start/Stop Count, Re-allocated Sector Count, Seek Error Rate,
Power-on Hours Count, Spin-up Retry Count, Drive Calibration Retry Count, Drive Power Cycle
Count, Offline Scan Uncorrectable Sector Count, Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate, Multi-zone Error Rate,
Spin-up Time, Relocation Event Count, and Current Pending Sector Count. The hard drive updates
and stores these attributes in the reserved area of the disk. The drive also stores a set of attribute
thresholds that correspond to the calculated attribute values. Each attribute threshold indicates the
point at which its corresponding attribute value achieves a negative reliability status.
3.19 Password Security Mode
The Security Mode feature set allows the user to create a device lock password that prevents
unauthorized hard drive access even if the drive is removed from the computer. This feature varies by
drive configuration and may not be available on all configurations.
Master and User Passwords
The manufacturer/dealer can set a master password using the Security Set Password command, without
enabling the device lock function. The user password should be given or changed by a system user.
Master Password Identifier is supported and set to a default value of 00FE. If a Master Password is set
via a Security Set Password Command, a valid Master Password Revision code value of 0001h – FFFEh
must be used. A Master Password Identifier of 0000h is ignored.
When the master password is set, the drive does
enable the device lock function. When the user
password is set, the drive enables the device lock function, and the drive is locked after the next power
on reset or hard reset.
Security Levels
High - If High level security is set and the user password is forgotten, the master password can be used
to unlock the drive and access the data.
Maximum - If Maximum level security is set and the user password is forgotten, data access is
impossible. Only the master password with a Security Erase Unit command can unlock the drive when
48-bit Address
Bits (47:40)
Bits (39:32)
Bits (31:24)
Bits (23:16)
Bits (15:8)
Bits (7:0)
LBA High (exp)
LBA Mid (exp)
LBA Low (exp)
LBA High
16-bit Sector Count
Bits (15:8)
Bits (7:0)
Sector Count
Sector Count