16. Appendix
16.1 Checklists
16.1.1 Checklist Initial Start-up
• This checklist is intended to provide assistance during initial start-up.
• This checklist does not replace the checks before initial start-up, nor the regular checks
on the part of specialized personnel.
Standards and guidelines; selecting the ESPE
Are the safety rules for the machine based on applicable standards and guidelines?
Are the standards and directives used included in the EU declaration of conformity for
the machine?
Does the safety device correspond to the required PL (EN ISO 13849-1) / SILcl (EN
62061) from the risk assessment?
Safety Clearance
Was the safety clearance calculated according to applicable standards?
Was the response time of the ESPE, the response time of any safety evaluation unit
used and the over-travel time of the machine taken into account in the calculation?
Has machine over-travel time been measured, specified, documented (at the machine
and/or in the machine’s documentation) and adapted to the ESPE installation setup.
Has the safety clearance between the point of danger and the safety field been adhered to?
Access to the point of danger
Is it only possible to access the point of danger via the ESPE’s safety field?
Is it assured that persons are unable to remain within the danger zone unprotected (e.g.
by means of mechanical protection against side-stepping), and are the implemented
measures protected against manipulation?
Have additional mechanical protective measures been installed which prevent reaching
under, over or around the safety field, and are they protected against manipulation?
Have the components of the ESPE been correctly attached and secured against loos-
ening, shifting and rotation after adjustment?
Is the external condition of the ESPE and all associated system components flawless?
Has the acknowledgment key for resetting the ESPE been correctly installed outside of
the danger zone, and is it functional?
Incorporation into the machine
Are both OSSDs incorporated in the downstream machine control?
Does the incorporation match the circuit diagrams?
Are the switching elements which are controlled by the ESPE (e.g. contactors, valves)
monitored by EDM?
Have the required safety measures to protect against electric shock been implemented