9 The beep sound will indicate baking is completed.
When serving bread that is just baked, take the bread out
from the inner pot first. (Make sure you use oven mitts,
towels etc., because the temperature is so high.) Dissipate
heat by placing a towel or other cloth under the bread
before cutting.
Baking is Completed
10 Air is taken in through the air duct for approx.
20 - 30 minutes to remove heat.
11 The beep sound indicates baking is completed.
Take the bread out.
Removal of Heat
The key to baking flavorful bread is efficient heat removal
(cooling). Steam can cause the bread to crumble and rob
the bread of its aromatic flavor.
Removing the Bread
12 Turn the inner pot counterclockwise to remove it
from the main unit.
13 Place the inner pot upside down to carefully
remove the baked bread.
14 Gently remove dough blade which is stuck to
the bread.
15 Cut the bread as desired and serve.