9. Other information
– General
– WTS-300-E - V4.1 - 20.01.2022
Page 121
9.5 Test functions
9.5.1 Test alarm F99
The function “test alarm” is required to test the impacts of an error on the parame-
terized outputs in the F-parameters (relays, SMS etc.).
Set and store the configuration to be tested in parameter [F99].
Trigger test errors from the OFF mode by pressing buttons OFF and SET simulta-
neously for four seconds.
Check if the required reaction has taken place.
Reset the error triggered with the reset button.
9.5.2 Function test "Do-Not-Load LED" and "external alarm light"
Used to test the function of the red "Do-Not-Load LED" and the associated relay
contact "external alarm light".
Hold the "Reset button" for approx. 4 seconds:
For approx. 10 seconds, the red "Do-Not-Load LED" is switched on and the relay
"external alarm light" is energized.