7. Other information
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– MRF-M2 -E - V0.7 - 23.04.2021
7.7.2 Anti-icing protection by switching off the compressor with a ro-
Protection against icing is provided by the robot switching off the compressor. (Thus,
the robot controls the cooling capacity, or releases the compressor only after a cer-
tain amount of milk).
As long as the digital input is bridged, the compressor remains switched off.
To use this function, parameter [A21] must be set to 3.
On the robot a corresponding switch contact must be available and set.
7.7.3 Anti-Icing protection by means of low pressure monitoring
The controller can be used to set up "anti-icing protection" via the low pressure mon-
itoring of the compressor.
For this purpose, a low-pressure switch must be connected to the digital input of the
controller and parameterised.
Note: For the "anti-icing" function, the correct switch-off pressure must be set on the
low-pressure switch.
Setting of function digital input [A21 = 4]
Setting of the type of switching contact of the low-pressure switch [P84]:
1: Compressor off when digital input is closed
2: Compressor off when digital input is open
If the low-pressure switch reports "pressure undercut", the compressor is switched
off for the pre-set time [P88].
When the compressor restarts, the low-pressure switch query is suppressed by the
set time [P87] (to prevent the compressor from switching off again due to system-
related pressure fluctuations in the evaporator)
Via [P89] can be set whether the low pressure monitoring is to be permanent or
temporally limited.
The advantage of permanent monitoring is that even the loss of cooling agent is